Mao Yoshino 吉野マオ







1996  愛知県生まれ
2021  東京藝術大学 工芸科 陶芸研究室 卒業
幼少期から手紙を書いていたが、文字だけでは想いが伝わらないと感じ、次第にそれが絵となっていった。もの、空間、人とのコミュニケーションから生まれる作品は、純粋な絵画としてだけでなく、ロゴやパッケージデザインなどに展開される。最近ではファッションブランド COMMEdesGARÇONSに作品を起用されるなど、活動の幅を広げている。




The last top page of 2023 is displayed with artwork by Mao Yoshino. The end of the year and the beginning of the year, people who are still busy working as usual. Those who celebrate with friends and family. Those who cherish their time alone. Those who look back on the year with joy or regret. Those who pray for the painful events in distant lands. The artist painted this picture with the image of lighting a grain of light in the heart of each one of these people.

Yoshino creates her works as if she were celebrating encounters and relationships with people and the love and emotions that arise from them, and releasing the joy of such encounters and relationships. No one can live alone; we all live in relationship with others. And every encounter is a miracle. We hope that through her paintings, we will have an opportunity to think about the people we have met this year and those we will meet in the new year, and to contemplate their miracles.


Painter / Designer
1996 Born in Aichi, Japan
2021 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Crafts, Ceramics Laboratory
She has been writing letters since her childhood, but felt that letters alone could not convey her feelings, which gradually became her paintings. Her works, created through communication with objects, space, and people, are not only pure paintings, but also developed into logos, package designs, etc. Recently, her work has been used by the fashion brand COMMEdesGARÇONS, and she is expanding the scope of her activities.