Momoe Narazaki




メインビジュアルを手掛けたのは、イラストレーターのMomoe Narazakiさん。ご自身も広島で1歳のお子さんを育てながら制作活動を続けるお母さんです。こどもたちが自然の中で動物や植物に触れ合ったり、思い思いに遊ぶ姿が生き生きと描かれます。「うさぎだ!カエルだ!」「おままごとかな?」「シャボン玉だね」、こどもと一緒に、指差ししながら楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです。

イラストレーター。グラフィックデザインユニットITWST。パートタイム農家。 現在日本(広島県)を拠点に、世界各地で活動中。



Making life with children more fun and happy. This spring, IBE will bring you a selection of children's tableware, toys, kids' wear, and art created together with the artists. We want children to have access to really good things from a young age, and at the same time, we hope to provide items that will help mothers and fathers who are working hard to raise their children enjoy their daily time with their children more. It was with this in mind that we came up with this project.

The main visual was created by illustrator Momoe Narazaki. She is a mother raising a one-year-old child in Hiroshima while continuing her creative activities. The images vividly depict children interacting with animals and plants in nature and playing with them as they please. Rabbits! A frog! Is it play house? I would be happy if you could enjoy it with your children, pointing out the the pictures together.

Illustrator. Graphic design unit ITWST. Part time farmer. Currently based in Japan (Hiroshima Prefecture), working around the world.