

ジュエリー、陶器、スカーフ等、様々なプロダクトを手がけるデザイナー、津田恭子。彼女は東京藝術大学大学院在学中に自身のブランド「KYOKO TSUDA」を立ち上げる。グラフィックデザインを専攻する津田ならではの、ポップで幾何学的なデザインのジュエリーはたちまち話題になる。人気のビジュー・シリーズは、ある日、樹脂パーツを販売するショップに立ち寄った時に降って湧いたアイデアがベースになっている。女の子のおもちゃ箱から出てきたかのような、キッチュな樹脂のパーツを組み合わせたジュエリーは、全てが一点もの。もともとは大量生産品として作られた脇役のパーツが、世界に一つのアーティスティックなジュエリーとして生まれ変わる。津田はこの組み合わせにこそ最も時間をかけ、納得のいくまでベストを探るという。

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個展「between A and B」を行う(earth & salt)
東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科デザイン専攻視覚伝達研究室 修了

新宿伊勢丹、銀座三越、スパイラルでのポップアップ、NEW JEWELRY出展、hersideでの常設販売等

From Jewelry to Ceramics –The Diverse Practice of Kyoko Tsuda

Graphical Jewelry

Kyoko Tsuda is a designer who engages in creating a variety of products including jewelry, ceramics, and scarfs. She established her brand “KYOKO TSUDA” while attending Tokyo University of the Arts, quickly gaining attention for her characteristic jewelry works featuring pop and geometric designs inspired by her studies in graphic design. Her popular bijoux series is based on an idea that had come to her mind when one day visiting a shop selling resin parts. The jewelry, made by combining kitsch resin parts that look as if they have come out of a little girl’s toy cabinet, are each individually unique. Supplementary parts that had once been made for mass production are reimagined in the form of artistic jewelry like no other in the world. Tsuda invests much time and care into this process of production, exploring the best combination of parts until her heart’s content.

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Ideas for Design

When asked for her source of inspiration, Tsuda went to her bookshelf and took out some of her favorite books. From a book introducing surreal designs of chairs, to a recipe book of questionable party food that one might see in an old movie, a diverse array of both foreign and Japanese books regardless of genre had soon accumulated in a pile. Various paraphernalia that peaked Tsuda’s interest and which she cherished, such as cards with strange illustrations, foreign product packages with their kitsch designs, and unique flower vases, could be found scattered here and there throughout her workplace. While seemingly in disorder, the surprising combinations of colors and materials, and intense presences that leave a lasting impression, had appeared to naturally connect with the world of wonder and curiosity that Tsuda summons through her work.

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Freely Pursuing One’s Interest

Although engaged in a successful practice as a jewelry designer, Tsuda’s interests and fascination go beyond the sole framework of this context. She enrolled in the university’s ceramic department course as a research student upon completing her graduate studies in hopes to learn from scratch the techniques of ceramics that she had originally pursued on her own. She thus currently continues to work actively in ceramics while leading an animated life as a jewelry designer. Moreover, she mentions that flower vases in particular can potentially become a centerpiece and also has a high-degree of freedom in their expression, thereby intending to develop it into one of the core aspects of her practice along with jewelry. For Tsuda who considers flower vases as a form of jewelry to adorn the home, it had only seemed natural for jewelry and ceramics to become the subjects for her creative oeuvre. Tsuda’s interest now also seems to be channeled towards “food and cuisine.” She allows her interests to guide her in naturally pursuing what it is that she wants to create, sparing no efforts to learn in doing so. One anticipates that the scope of her practice will continue to evolve and expand into the future.

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Born in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture
Graduated from Tokyo University of The Arts, Department of Design
Solo exhibition “between A and B” (earth & salt)
Established the brand KYOKO TSUDA
Graduated from Tokyo University of The Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Program), Visual Communication Studio, Department of Design
Enrolled as a research student at Tokyo University of The Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts (MFA Program), Ceramics Studio, Department of Crafts

Pop-up stores in Isetan Shinjuku, Mitsukoshi Ginza, SPIRAL, participation in NEW JEWELRY, and collections permanently available at herside

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